I want a healthier life without making sacrifices

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How many times have you thought you want a healthier life?  You know what you want to change or improve.  You are going to exercise, eat healthy, lower your weight, meditate, sleep the hours you really need, dedicate time for fun, etc.  Several weeks go by and suddenly you realize you are no longer exercising, you started eating fried foods again, you said yes to that piece of cake at the office, and you do not have time to be at ease.

it is possible to change in order to improve.  The key is to make one change at a time.  The idea is not to punish yourself, it is to go one step at a time, integrating the changes to your new life style.

Do you need assistance?  Get a Health Coach!


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Health Coach & Pranic Healer

See Profile Tere Beard is an Industrial Engineer, a Health Coach graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition® (IIN®) and a certified Pranic Healer from the Pranic Healing Center. She is the author of "Todo lo malo es bueno" a book to guide you into your evolution