I have a confession

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Regardless of what you're going through, let it be clear, love and accept who you are, proudly, with a big smile.  If you are not satisfied with the way you look, if you've gone through unpleasant experiences that you cannot erase from your past, if you have a disease, are unemployed, have a dysfunctional relationship, love yourself, break the pattern of blaming yourself, of saying that things are bad.

Many times we wonder why we don't lose weight, heal, attract the ideal partner or job. Many people exercise, eat healthy and still get sick. Others go from one bad relationship to another, without understanding why we only get all the wrong partners.

My confession? I have also gone through many of these experiences, having a relationship with the wrong person, a stressful job, a disease that does not seem to heal. Ever since I learned to forgive others and forgive myself, I feel much better and confident. Forgive those who have hurt you. Think, did you learn something from that "bad" experience? Forgive yourself, for falling into this "trap", and understand and appreciate that this "trap" helped you grow.

Today I feel free. I confess that one of the ways I have learned to forgive myself is, every time I look at myself in the mirror I smile and tell myself, I love and accept myself.

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Health Coach & Pranic Healer

See Profile Tere Beard is an Industrial Engineer, a Health Coach graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition® (IIN®) and a certified Pranic Healer from the Pranic Healing Center. She is the author of "Todo lo malo es bueno" a book to guide you into your evolution