How Does Stress Affect You?

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Human body x-ray scan with visible respiratory system 3d renderStress can affect you in one or several of the following ways:

  • Go through mood changes, including anger, depression, lack of sleep and energy
  • Increase blood pressure, cholesterol and the risk of a heart attack
  • Increase fat storage
  • Have a tendency to muscle and joint pain
  • Reduce bone density
  • Feel lack of libido, or have irregular menstrual cycle
  • Have reflux, stomach cramps, nausea
  • Lower the immune system and its ability to fight diseases

Every day there are more stress victims.  And if you do not do something about it, your body will do it for you, making a halt, through some disease or condition, to force you to take a break.

As a Health Coach I can help you identify the areas in your life you need to improve in order to feel happy, healthy and without stress.  We work with up to 12 areas including, relations, profession, physical activity, joy, nutrition, spirituality and others, as per the priorities established during your evaluation.  With the assistance of a Health Coach, you can lower your stress, and as a result you may:

  • Lose weight
  • Improve your Digestive System’s function
  • Avoid or reduce diabetes, obesity, heart conditions and cancer
  • Sleep better
  • Make your Immune System stronger
  • Improve your mood
  • Improve your professional performance
  • Focus on your goals
  • Improve your relationships

Contact me for a Free Evaluation

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Health Coach & Pranic Healer

See Profile Tere Beard is an Industrial Engineer, a Health Coach graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition® (IIN®) and a certified Pranic Healer from the Pranic Healing Center. She is the author of "Todo lo malo es bueno" a book to guide you into your evolution